From your learning system ,Please visit Placement assistance tab.

As the part of placement assistance, we provide following services

1> Professional Resume : We help you write up your resume following professional templates with highlighting the points in your resume that will matter to your potential employer most.After successful completion of the training your resume will be available in placement tab.If you can not find the same, raise a support ticket from help desk describing the issue.

2> Mock Interviews: Our trainers are real industry professionals. They keep hiring people in your domain in their organization and know what kind of questions are asked on industry interviews. They can impart such expert knowledge through taking your mock interviews on the subject and you will get to know your weaknesses and strengths through the process. This will make you ready for facing the job market in a much prepared state.After successful completion of the training, please contact your Account Manager to avail this service.


3> Job Search Assistance: Our professional job search experts will work on finding best job opportunities published across various job portals and we will update you about this through your learning System(placement tab).The team will help you to prepare for the interview as well.

For any other queries , you can reach out to your Account Manager.

However , please understand we are training providers and not placement consultancies.
We are committed to provide training by best quality professionals and having one of the best curriculums available in the market.